St. David’s URC Eastham deliver Ecumenical Day of creative Worship and Praise using Synod Mission Grant

Ladies Day at St. David’s URC Eastham brought in women at all stages of Christian faith to a day of creative worship where they could relax, enjoy and participate in each other’s company. They left with a renewed sense of love, hope and mission as they shared the Good News with others, responding to human need by loving service.  A day of creative worship and praise.

The Synod Mission Fund covered leaflets, advertising posters, printing, craft materials, agape gifts, the preparation and decoration of the church, heating, food, and various other incidentals needed to make the Ladies Day a success.

Judith Hill, Local Church Leader at St. David’s URC Eastham, explained:

We welcomed around thirty ladies (and two gentlemen who washed dishes in the kitchen) from across the country, as well as more local congregations from Birkenhead, Bebington, Parkgate & Neston, and a couple of the churches in our own CTBE group.

“The theme we chose was “Hope in Jesus - in a world full of chaos”. The day began at 10am with opening worship, and throughout the day five people spoke and led us in prayer. In between the talks we sang worship songs and hymns. In one of the sessions the ladies were encouraged to create a crafted item, from a table full of various craft materials, to represent our theme. Many of them decorated a small wooden cross which made a beautiful display on the tables.

“We used the letters in the word HOPE to base the talks on. Revd Louise Franklin used H for Hope, Dr Hilary Ash the O and based her section on One World – our common home, Chris Kellet followed with the P talking about Prophesy and Daniel, then Lisa Gati used the E to talk about Evangelism. Marj Ford shared a short reflection leading into our closing worship and Communion. I covered the welcoming and introductions to each part.

“We served tea, coffee, biscuits, cakes, fruit, and sandwiches for lunch. We asked for a donation of £5 and a tin of food for the foodbank, so we had two big baskets of tinned food to hand over to the Foodbanks.

“During the day, and at the close, there was an opportunity for private prayer, and a Blessing, with one or two of the team. This was well received.

“Everyone took home an Agape Goodie Bag containing booklets from Our Daily Bread and Life words, knitted angels, pens pencils and little goodies to remind them of their day with us.

“We have received some extremely nice, positive and uplifting feedback from everyone who came, which has encouraged us to book the date for next year. October 4th, 2025.”

For more information about St David’s, Eastham please visit their Facebook page: St David's URC | Eastham | Facebook

Synod Mission Funds 

The Synod has set aside £75,000 a year and churches can apply for a large grant of up to £25,000 a project or, using the small grant scheme, for up to £2,500 as many times as required.  There are even options for smaller amounts of around £100. Grants are for mission projects, not building projects.  Grants and Funding — URC Mersey (






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