Our People
The Mission Statement of the Synod Team is:
Supporting, equipping, resourcing and challenging congregations and individuals to be the United Reformed Church in Mersey Synod and to grow in missional discipleship.
Geoff Felton Moderator
I love the Northwest and its people. I have a heart to see the Church reach out with the love of Christ and offer hope, healing and forgiveness to all people.
My role is to:
Help with questions on how the Synod works, Synod priorities and other Synod and national church issues
Lead worship for you
Visit your church to speak about issues of faith and life
Lead church away days or represent the URC at community events.
Contact: moderator@urcmerseysynod.org.uk
Pat Cansfield PA to the Moderator / Admin Support
The direct link between churches/ leaders and the Moderator.
Contact: synodadmin@urcmerseysynod.org.uk or call 0151 722 6590
Rita Griffiths Synod Clerk
My role is to:
Ensure the Synod is running smoothly by providing guidance on governance and procedures
Point of contact for churches & ministers
First point of call for low level Human Resources, e.g., employing staff; contracts and line manager information
Keeping churches informed on wider URC business, e.g., General Assembly, Assembly Executive and the Northerly Synods Group regarding their decisions, resolutions, consultations and general information
Co-ordination of some Synod meetings and events
I am also the co-ordinator and keyboard player for the Synod Café Jam band, and if you’d like to book the band then get in touch.
Contact: synodclerk@urcmerseysynod.org.uk
Stuart Radcliffe Missional Discipleship Enabler
My role is to:
Work with church communities to help them see that mission, and growing the church, is not to be feared
Help church communities to think about making and growing whole life disciples
Find ways to share the love of Christ in and with the communities God calls us all to serve
Advise on outreach and evangelism or ways to help your community grow in their daily walk with Jesus.
I’d love to hear your ideas and join your excitement in planning for the future.
Contact: mde@urcmerseysynod.org.uk
Clare Coombes Communications Officer
My role is to:
Act as a roving reporter including face-to-face, online meetings, calls and emails
Connect churches with each other and the local community through sharing good news stories
Look at ways to link into press & media
Manage the website, social media and Mersey Synod Newsletter
Advise on communications or marketing, social media or website advice.
Contact: communications@urcmerseysynod.org.uk
Julie Rafferty Safeguarding Officer
My role is to:
Support churches to improve safeguarding culture and practices, including:
Better safer recruitment for volunteer and paid workers
Help with DBS applications and the online system
Update policies and procedures
Completion of risk assessments
Safeguarding agreements involving people that pose a risk
Report and refer concerns & incidents
Delivery of all safeguarding training (URC Training Framework)
Contact: safeguarding@urcmerseysynod.org.uk or 07376-053044
Denise Harman Premises and Finance Officer
My role is to:
Look after finance matters on behalf of our churches in conjunction with the Synod Treasurer
Manage payroll on behalf of the Synod and our churches employees
Deal with regulatory tests with respect to our manses and supporting our ministers, in conjunction with the Property Officer
Member of Resources Committee, working with the Convenor/Property Officer and also a member of Mersey Province Trust.
Contact: adminofficer@urcmerseysynod.org.uk and Financeofficer@urcmerseysynod.org.uk
Direct line: 0151 319 9800
John Beech Treasurer
My role is to:
Have overall responsibility for the accounting function, budgeting, investment and financial management of the Synod and Trust finances
Work closely with the Synod Finance Officer to resolve any church related financial issues.
Contact: trusttreasurer@urcmerseysynod.org.uk
Steven Mitchell Children and Youth Development Officer
My role is to:
Develop vision for children's and youth work with church
Lead all-age services
Support and lead activities at children's or youth groups
Volunteer training
Children’s and youth work resources.
Contact: cydo@urcmerseysynod.org.uk Tel: 07387 580834
Mike Rushton Property Officer
My role is to:
Help churches with any property issues: building maintenance, improvements, extensions or repairs
Lead in the appointment of building professionals, building contracts
Offer advice in buildings and public liability insurance cover
Be the go-to person for understanding the Ecclesiastical Exemption for building work to Listed Buildings.
Emma Howarth Training Officer
My role is to:
Work with ministers and lay preachers individually and in groups on their continued development
Equip and encourage elders in leading their churches
Offer congregations further training and development.
Contact me on trainingofficer@urcmerseysynod.org.uk or 07984335797
Helen McCormack - Grant (Bid) Finder and Writer/Office Admin Support
My role is to support churches to find grant funding opportunities for projects and help navigate through the submission processes, eligibility, terms and conditions, offering advice and best practice on writing and content.
I have a background in grant funding in the university sector, with extensive experience in identification, developing applications and administration of the grant once awarded.
If you have an idea for a project but not sure on next steps, please do get in touch: grantsadmin@urcmerseysynod.org.uk