Latest news and features
from URC Mersey
Mersey Synod Meeting October 2024: Churches gather from across the region
It was wonderful to have so many of us together from across our churches at the Mersey Synod Meeting. The theme of this Synod meeting was Living Faith, which is the start of the new Synod theme for the next two years.
Book Now: Synod Meeting Saturday 12th October 2024
The next meeting of our Mersey Synod is Saturday 12th October 2024 at Allerton United Reformed Church, Mather Ave, Allerton L18 7HD
Booking is essential and anyone can attend (although only members can vote). We shall gather as leaders of the churches so that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we may discern the mind of Christ for the future and to give thanks for work that has been completed since we last met.
Talking Faith, Talking Creation: Mersey Synod Meeting looks at faith and the environment
Our theme at the March Synod Meeting, held at Trinity URC Wigan, was ‘Talking Faith, Talking Creation’ and we looked at how faith informs our approach and attitude to the environment. We also celebrated the news that URC Mersey Synod has achieved both the Bronze Eco Synod Award and the Bronze Eco Church Award Certificate.